Fund Details
2023 - New Zealand Future Award (NZFA)

Brief Description:

New Zealand Future Award (NZFA) 2023

Please note that the deadline date and time as displayed in the system is New Zealand time zone. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. 21 October 2023 KST (Korea Standard time).

New Zealand Future Award

The New Zealand Future Award is designed for middle and high school students from South Korea who wish to study at a New Zealand school for a minimum of one year.

If you are seeking to prepare for the future with one of the world’s best education systems, then this award is the ideal choice for you. New Zealand schools offer a fresh approach to learning, providing a diverse range of subjects that will foster creativity and critical thinking skills, essential for your future success.

New Zealand's education system is distinguished by its high-quality and innovative teaching approach, ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment. Our schools encourage creative and independent thinking, empowering each student to reach their full potential.

Awardees must be able to commence studying in New Zealand no later than July 2024. Awardees can begin their programme of study on any of the following dates:
  • Term 1: starts between Monday 30 January 2024 and Friday 7 February 2024 (ends Thurs 6 April 2024)
  • Term 2: starts Monday 24 April 2024 (ends Friday 30 June 2024)
  • Term 3: starts Monday 17 July (ends Friday 22 September 2024)


New Zealand Future Award (NZFA) 2023

Please note that the deadline date and time as displayed in the system is New Zealand time zone. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. 14 October 2023 KST (Korea Standard time).

New Zealand Future Award

The New Zealand Future Award is designed for middle and high school students from South Korea who wish to study at a New Zealand school for a minimum of one year.

If you are seeking to prepare for the future with one of the world’s best education systems, then this award is the ideal choice for you. New Zealand schools offer a fresh approach to learning, providing a diverse range of subjects that will foster creativity and critical thinking skills, essential for your future success.

New Zealand's education system is distinguished by its high-quality and innovative teaching approach, ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment. Our schools encourage creative and independent thinking, empowering each student to reach their full potential.

There are up to three New Zealand Future awards available for middle or high school students. Each award provides up to NZ$9,000 (approximately KRW 7,200,000) to contribute to school tuition fees.

Awardees must be able to commence studying in New Zealand no later than July 2024. Awardees can begin their programme of study on any of the following dates:
  • Term 1: starts between Monday 30 January 2024 and Friday 7 February 2024 (ends Thurs 6 April 2024)
  • Term 2: starts Monday 24 April 2024 (ends Friday 30 June 2024)
  • Term 3: starts Monday 17 July (ends Friday 22 September 2024)

You need to complete an online application in English only

뉴질랜드 미래 장학금

뉴질랜드 미래 장학금은 한국의 중고등학생들이 뉴질랜드에서 최소 1년간 유학을 계획하는 한국의 중고등학생들에게 학비보조금을 제공하는 프로그램입니다


세계에서 가장 우수한 교육시스템을 가진 뉴질랜드에서 미래를 준비하기를 희망하는 분들이라면 장학금의 예비 후보자가 있습니다.


뉴질랜드 학교에서 학생들은 신선한 방식으로 배움을 얻고미래의 성공을 위한 중요한 역량인 창의력과 비판적 사고력을 키울수 있도록 하는 교육을 하고 있습니다.


뉴질랜드교육시스템은 안전한 배움의 환경에서 질적으로 우수하고 혁신적인 교습방법을 채택하여 학생들을 가르치고 있습니다. 뉴질랜드 학교들은 학생들 개개인의 잠재성 발휘를 위해 창의적 사고와 독립적 사고하도록 교육받습니다.


뉴질랜드 미래장학금은 3명의 한국학생을 선발할 계획입니다. 장학금은 학비 관련 비용에 사용될수 있도록 최대 9,000뉴질랜드 달러 (한화 720만원)   제공됩니다.


장학금을 제공받는 학생들은 2024 7 이전 뉴질랜드에서 공부를 시작할수 있어야 합니다. 뉴질랜드는 한국과 달리 4학기 제도입니다. 아래 해당학기중 하나를 선택하여 뉴질랜드에서 유학을 시작할 있습니다

1학기 (Term 1): 2024 1 30 –  2 24 

2학기 (Term 2): 2024 4 26 – 6 30

3학기 (Term 3): 2024 7 17- 9 22


To apply, you must:
  • be a legal citizen of Republic of Korea, and currently living in the Republic of Korea
  • be aged between 13 and 17 years at the time of the application, and
  • be able to take up the New Zealand Future Award to commence studying in New Zealand no later than July 2024

Value of the Award:

There are up to three New Zealand Future awards available for middle or high school students. Each award provides up to NZ$9,000 (approximately KRW 7,200,000) to contribute to school tuition fees.

Selection Criteria:

The awards will be granted based on merit of the expression of interest submitted by the applicant.
  • Proof you are a Korean national (e.g. screenshot of passport)
  • Provide the URL to a short video (max 90 seconds) that includes content, images and audio that introduce yourself, and why New Zealand education is ideal for you to prepare yourself for the future. (Include the password if the video is password protected.)
  • Proof you have received an offer of place is preferred, but not mandatory.
  • Provide the name and contact details of your parent(s), guardian(s) or caregiver(s). We will contact them for you to take part in the scholarship programme if your application is successful. 

선발 조건 지원시 제출해야 사항:

·         대한민국 국적 증명( 여권사본제출)

·         최대 90 분량의 영상 URL - 영상에는 자기소개, 뉴질랜드 교육이 본인의 미래를 준비하는데 도움이 되는지에 대한 컨텐츠, 이미지,오디오 등을 포함 할수 있습니다. ( 영상열람 비밀번호를 설정하는 경우, 비밀번호를 함께 제출하세요). 평가위원들은 뉴질랜드에서 본인의 미래를 준비하고자하는 동기를 분명하게 보여주는 후보자를 선호합니다. 뉴질랜드 교육이 가져다 있는 장점에 대해 적극적으로 조사 연구하고, 어떻게 뉴질랜드에서 받은 교육을 활용하여 성장을 할수 있을지에 대해 보여주세요.

·         부모님 한분 연락처

Begin Accepting Applications Date:
13 Sep 2023
Deadline Date (NZT Time Zone):
22 Oct 2023 3:59 AM